The Improvised Variety News Channel
News, reviews, weather and no sport.
Coming from the virtual studios of the GB24 News Channel, a mixture of sketches, big characters, pointless debates, special guests and obligatory messages from our sponsors.
When the world locked down, it was an obvious choice for us to move to live streamed content. In the first weeks of the lockdown, Kinetic Screen explored the technical possibilities of resurrecting our GB24 format, but this time produced like an actual live broadcast. Early tests to produce it in studio were further dashed when ‘Stage Four’ restrictions were announced, necessitating a truly remote solution.
And so GB24 Live was born, originally broadcast fortnightly on our YouTube channel. We were then commissioned to do a special show as part of “VCR Fest” – a mini festival organised by Melbourne Fringe as a test of delivering a festival online. We then did a season of GB24 for the online Melbourne Fringe proper later in the year.
The season of GB24 at Fringe was another example of us pushing ourselves creatively, it was also incredibly ambitious. Going live 4 nights a week for the full 3 weeks of the festival with every show having unique content and being largely unscripted, all while being remote and never once in the same room together.
We were subsequently commissioned to create an hour long “best of” compilation as part of the Victoria Together series.
When Melbourne Fringe was abruptly cancelled the following year, we were well placed to quickly pivot using what we’d learnt doing GB24 Live, and that morphed into what would become Hey Hey It’s Lockdown…
Performance history:
Streamed on YouTube
“VCR Fest” by Melbourne Fringe
Melbourne Fringe Festival 2020
Show Credits:
Created by Game Boys Comedy
Performed by Eden & Joshua Porter (ft. Dickie Knee)
Broadcast Design by Kinetic Screen
Special Guests:
Stephanie Bendixsen
Oliver Coleman
Steve Marr
Debbie Zukerman