About Game Boys Comedy

Game Boys Comedy is a unique collaboration between brothers Eden Porter (Australian Survivor 2024, ‘Cancelled Movie Report’ podcast) and Josh Porter (‘Welcome to Patchwork’ podcast) and Melbourne based audiovisual designer Kinetic Screen. For the past nine years, the ensemble has been delighting audiences with their increasingly complex and innovative stage shows.

The initial season of their most recent work, Escape to the Megaverse, won the 2023 Green Room Award for Best Independent Theatre Ensemble (including technical crew). Other awards for the Company include two wins for Technical Excellence and four nominations for Best Comedy at Melbourne Fringe. They have also been nominated twice for the Golden Gibbo at Melbourne International Comedy Festival. 

Off the back of winning the Regional Arts Victoria Tour Ready Award at Melbourne Fringe in 2019, they toured Game Boys Cinematic Universe throughout Regional Victoria in 2022.

Full list of company awards.

‘Their seat-of-the-pants style was undeniably infectious.’
Cameron Woodhead
The Age
‘One of my absolute highlights… incredibly inventive… it’s chaotic and funny and clever and definitely recommended.’ 
Richard Watts
‘Sharp and slick… See this brilliant, hilarious show’
Lisa Clark
Squirrel Comedy
‘For a show that presents itself as a fanciful walk down memory lane, it’s an incredibly nuanced and pointed performance.’
The Music
‘This is a show full of surprises… a masterstroke in comedy’
My Melbourne Arts